
Book Review--I am Amelia Earhart

Today I read a book.Its title is I am Amelia Earhart . The story is about a great girl who liked  planes. 

When she was 13 year old, her family took her to the airport.She saw all different kinds of airplanes. And she met Frank Hawk,a great pilot. She gave him ten dollar for ten minutes of flight.

 After that,  she decided to be a pilot. After many hardworks, she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.

She was such a great example to learn from.

My Microscope

Last night, my father just bought me a microscope. Today I went home after school  with an ant, so we could test the microscope. And then we unpacked the microscope and put all parts together. But My dad said:” could I test it first with a hair?” and I said:” yes.” so I let my dad test it first. 

After a while, when the microscope was ready,  I put the ant under the microscope and was surprised by the shocking detail revealed by the microscope. It was so amazing!


When it was thurthday May 13th there was a book fair. there was plant v.s zombies bully for you. And there was Captain Underpants. And there was please Mrs. Panda and Reptile also Dork. and I wanted to by angry Birds Transforemer and the Sew Foodies and Minecraft book. And there was cupcake eraser and ball eraser and I really wanted the zombies Garden. and this was the last day of the bookfair. But My dad didn't want to buy them because My dad can find them at the Semiahmoo library and we ordered the Captain Underpants, by dad's cell phone. But there were other books that my dad can not find. But my dad still said:" no!" because you can wait for the book. dering your wait you can read other books.


New Words From Longman Dictionary

Hunter: a person who hunts wild animal, or an animal that hunt's animal for food.

Travel: to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially one that are far away.

Password: a secret group of letters or numbers.

Donkey: a grey or brown animal like a horse.

Supernova: a very large exploding star.


New Words From Longman Dictionary

Breakfast: the meal you have in the morning.
Lunch: a meal eaten in the middle of the day.
Dinner: the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or the evening.
Snack: a small amount of food that is eaten between main meals or instead of a meal.

New Words From Longman Dictionary

Street: a public road in a city or town that has  houses, shops etc on one or both side.

Avenue: a road or broad path between two rows of threes.
Drive: to make a car, truck, bus etc move along.

Culde-sec: a road which is closed at one end.

Deadend: as street with no way out at one end.


My Second Basketball Game

When it was afternoon we went to my second basketball game. And my dad said:" Bowen you have to watch the first game and
then the next game would be your turn." And then when I was watching the game I saw coach Rick. And then my dad asked:" Rick, now can we come up?" Rick answered yes so we came up to the court. Just then I met Toby in the opposing team, Toby was my check.

During the game, when Toby got the ball I quickly came up and wanted to steal it but Toby passed to his brother, and his brother was so fast that I can't get it. I would run faster next time. 


New Words From Longman Dictionary

Dandelion: a wild plant with a bright yellow flower which later becomes a white ball of seeds that are blow away in the wind.

Den: the home of some animals.
Greeting: something you say or do when you meet someone.


Comrades: a friend, especially someone who shares difficult work or danger.
Dwell: to live in a particular place.
Pave: to cover a path, road, area etc with a hard level surface such as blocks of stone or concrete.

My First Basketball game

When it was sunset we went to HT Thifts Elementery School for our first basket ball game. and I saw someone was holding the door of the gym. I went in and saw my coach Rick. He said:" hie. how are you doing?" and I replied:" I am well." then we were ready to play and Rick said:" four people at a time." so four players came up, I was sub. so I was whatching the game first. And then Max came and he wanted to play but he forgot his basketball shoes. And we are still missing a star player, her name is Catlin. Because today was her birthday. So we had a tough game. since the opposing team had three tall guys. We tried our best but we losed at last. I thought the game was not fair and we will win in the next game.


The Paper Bag Princess

One day a princess named Elizabeth who wanted to marry a prince. named Ronald. Unfortunately a dragon smashed his castle. and burnt Elizabeth expensive clothes. all she can find was an old dirty paper bag. And then Elizabeth was very angry. So Elizabeth followed horse's bones and then she came to a burnt forest and then Elizabeth came to a large cave and Elizabeth knocked on the door and dragon opened the door and said." oh a princess, I like to eat princess but I already burnt the whole castle today. Come back tomorrow." WAIT" asked Elizabeth," is that true you can burn 50 forests just one fiery breath?" yes," said. the dragon. so dragon burnt 50 forests just one fiery breath. and then Elizabeth asked." Is that true you can fly around the world just 10 seconds?" yes," said the dragon. so dragon flew around the world just ten second. and then dragon was so trid so he layd on the ground and went to sleep. so Elizabeth ran into the cave and saved the prince Ronald. and prince Ronald looked at Elizabeth.." you are a totally mess. Come back tomorrow like you are a real princess." and Elizabeth said." your hair is neat and you are a prince, but you are a bum." and they didn't marry each other at all.


New Words from Longman Dictionary

Battle: a fight between opposing armies.

Diarrhea: an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and came out often.
Cell: the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently.
Magnifying glass: a round piece of glass with a handle, used to make objects or print look bigger.
Molecule: the smallest unit into which any substance.
Dribble: to move the ball along with you by short kicks, bounces, or hits in a game of football, basketball etc.


New Words From Daddy

Camera : a piece of equipment used to take photographs or make films or television programmes.

Photograph: a picture obtained by using a camera and film that is sensitive to light.
Film: a story that is told using sound and moving pictures, shown at a cinema or on television movie.